Bhagavad Gita

ಗುರೂನಹತ್ವಾ ಹಿ ಮಹಾನುಭಾವಾನ್ ಶ್ರೇಯೋ ಭೋಕ್ತುಂ ಭೈಕ್ಷ್ಯಮಪೀಹ ಲೋಕೇ ।
ಹತ್ವಾSರ್ಥಕಾಮಾಂಸ್ತು ಗುರೂನಿಹೈವ ಭುಂಜೀಯ ಭೋಗಾನ್ ರುಧಿರಪ್ರದಿಗ್ಧಾನ್ ॥೫॥
gurūnahatvā hi mahānubhāvān śreyo bhoktuṃ bhaikṣyamapīha loke |
hatvāSrthakāmāṃstu gurūnihaiva bhuṃjīya bhogān rudhirapradigdhān ||5||

Gist of the sloka:
Arjuna continuing, indicates that instead of killing such pious souls, it’s better to be a beggar in the same land. How can one enjoy the comforts, when those have been obtained by spilling the blood of such souls?
Arjuna tries to use his logic to indicate it’s much better to beg and live rather than obtain comforts which has been paid by the price of blood of these pious souls. These souls have rejected the throne due their wisdom and what would we gain by obtaining such a throne? They have due to their obligation towards the throne and food that Duryodhana has provided them, are now fighting for Duryodhana.